ECNU international students ambassador, innovative curriculum designer, social media influencer and portrait photographer 

‘Why Wait?’ Collective Marketing Event Leader

Elena is the first educator in Shanghai to create a psychological summer camp for girls, raising awareness about holistic wellbeing, diversity and acceptance. Inspired by the breakthroughs her students made, she took the next step by cooperating with East China Normal University, providing college students opportunities to study abroad. Coordinating creativity programs saw Elena tap into her own creativity, leading her to work as a content creator and photographer.

Why did you wait before, and why are you not waiting anymore?

I’ve always thought that I’m a creative person. However, I didn’t have the means to express it and it only came out through spontaneous ways: singing, writing, drawings and doodles, fun lesson plans and so on. For a long time I used to be in front of the lens, but the moment I stepped behind it I realized that I can make something new, and that I shouldn’t wait any longer. I want to grow as a photographer, even though it’s been very scary to start a new career. If you think about it, writing educational programs and taking photographs are just different forms of creativity. I’d love to surround myself with people who are doing rather than waiting to grow, and solidify this new “why wait” mindset. After all, why wait?



Instagram: @ronja__rovardotter