Li Zhang

Product Manager for NewCampus, Founder of She's Speaking and Skills Wave

Panelist on the afternoon CORPORATE to START UP panel

Keynote speaker - Selling Stories: Storytelling to sell your products

A community builder and entrepreneur on a mission to nurture braver leaders. Transforming professional development experiences through digital products, user experience and design. Li has experience in media, e-commerce and investment banking. She was award AmCham Future Leaders award 2020 and has traveled around 30 countries and lived in China, UK, Australia, Peru and South Africa.

Why did you wait before, and why are you not waiting anymore?

I was waiting for the right time, like a sign that would drop out of the sky to tell me "now, you go get them". Years of waiting made me realize that I was creating and building other people's dreams, instead of my own.

The sign is never coming. I have decide that its now. Now. Now.


LinkedIn – Li Zhang